BALTIC COUNCIL - Vzdelávanie v zahraničí

Zoznam účastníkov

Baltic Council for International Education
Educatius (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)            
Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands)
Felsted School (Great Britain)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
Franklin College (USA)
Green River College (USA)
Hanze University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)             
HZ University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
IT:U Interdisciplinary Transformation University Austria (Austria)
Modul University Vienna (Austria)
Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria)                        
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands)
St. Michaels University School (Canada)                        
Study in the Netherlands
Taunton School (Great Britain)
UCAS Information Centre
Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
VIVES University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)


